Date: August 1, 2012
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Becket Town Hall
557 Main Street, Becket
1. Select Board’s Comments and Announcements.
2. Town Administrator’s report.
3. Select Board to review minutes of previous meeting(s).
4. Public Input.
5. Steve Robinson to address the Board regarding event at Sunny Banks Ranch.
6. Select Board to consider awarding construction contract for North Becket Village Infrastructure Improvements.
7. Select Board to discuss special permit application from Conboy Realty Trust for a filling station with 4 gas pumps and 2 diesel pumps, entrance for trucks off Otis Road.
8. Select Board to consider Chapter 90 Project Request Reports for chip seal on Wade Inn Road, Quarry Road, Gould Road and Stanley Road and remaining lease payments for excavator.
9. Select Board to consider changing yield signs on Yokum Pond Road and on YMCA Road to stop signs.
10. Select Board to consider letters of interest for the Harbor Master position.
11. Select Board to consider letters of interest for the Town Meeting Bylaw Review Committee.
12. Select Board to consider appointing the following as election workers: Julia W. Kay-Grace, Charles I. Francis, Paulette Feit, Eva Bonney, Gale LaBelle, Patricia Clemons, Charles Garman, Priscilla MeEwen, Arlene Adler, Adrienne Metcalf, Jerome H. Schwartzbach, Aylmer Trivers, Elizabeth VanNess, Ann Krawet, Joshua Lombard, and Colleen O’Connor.
13. Select Board to review Becket Ambulance Department Request for Write-Off Report.
14. Select Board to consider posting its meetings on the 2013 Community Birthday Calendar.
15. Monthly reports of the Police Department and Citations Issued.
16. Any other business to come before the Board.
17. Review Correspondence.